During lunchtimes, our students have the opportunity to join many of our Lunchtime Clubs on offer, socialising with different groups and learning and enjoying different skills.
The Lunchtime Clubs offered at Warrnambool West Primary School give students the opportunity to engage and participate in activities that they enjoy and are passionate about, socialise with groups of multi-age students, ‘take a break’ from the playground or try something new.
Our Teachers, Support staff and Volunteers at Warrnambool West dedicate their lunchtimes to run clubs for the students as places where they can feel connected and part of a group that share similar interests. We are so lucky at Warrnambool West Primary School to have such dedicated, enthusiastic and talented staff and friends of our school, that are willing to share their time, skills and expertise with our students!
The Lunchtime Clubs and activities may change each term which allows for a range of activities to be explored. Some examples of Lunchtime Clubs on offer at Warrnambool West Primary School include:
© Warrnambool West Primary School